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We have helped thousands of individuals to increase income and reduce their taxes. We serve our friends by offering ways for them to be the good stewards for the resources given them. We offer this site to assist you with planning so that your values will extend to future generations.

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Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity (dCGA)

Deferred Charitable Gift Annuity (dCGA)
"The longer you wait the higher the rate"

As a physician, Dr. Grace Crawford must evaluate a patient's symptoms, make the diagnosis and then prescribe appropriate treatment.

Dr. Crawford: When I'm driving home, after making my hospital rounds, I do a lot of thinking. Recently, I've been thinking about retirement and a way to supplement my income. I'm looking for security. I also want to know that a good return will be paid.

Dr. Crawford is a faithful Hope Channel supporter who received a brochure about a deferred Charitable Gift Annuity (dCGA). She thought that a dCGA might be just what she needed to provide for her retirement and help Hope Channel too.

Dr. Crawford: I called Hope Channel and asked about it. I was surprised to discover that a dCGA would pay 12.3% when I am 65. With the flexible option, if I retire earlier at 60, it would pay 8.37%. If I choose to retire at 70, it would pay 17.1%.

Once Dr. Navarro explained how simple it is to set up a dCGA, I wrote a check for $10,000 and I plan to write a $10,000 check each year until I retire. The charitable deduction even lowers my income taxes. It's almost like the IRS is paying for part of my retirement!

Dr. Crawford's plan will certainly supplement her income and provide for a more comfortable retirement.

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